The Impact Of Audio: How Podcasting Can Help Share Your Story

If you ask a young kid now what they want to be when they grow up, 10 years ago you may have heard the answer doctor or lawyer; however in 2021 instead you might hear Youtuber or content creator. It is no surprise that due to the digital era that we live in, it has allowed people from all backgrounds to have a career doing what they love. For some that might be creating videos around cooking, and for others that might be posting skits online. The barriers to create content have drastically reduced as technology continues to advance. One method of content creation that has recently gained popularity is podcasting. Creating a podcast has been a substitute for those who may not be able to drive a story through video, but instead can create an enjoyable experience through audio. Thanks to its easy setup, low entry cost and easily digestible format, podcasting has and continues to help creators start their digital career.

Image source: ShoutMeLoud

For those unfamiliar with the term podcast, a podcast is a digital file that is uploaded online and shared to an audience. Podcasts offer the flexibility of consuming the content in a variety of situations that unlike video might not offer. For example, replacing your usual commute playlist for a podcast instead or your study music can be a podcast. Compared to other forms of content out there, one of the biggest attractions and reason for the growth of podcasting is that it can be played virtually anywhere. Podcasts also can cover a huge variety of topics, and due its more personal format, similar topics can still be different due to the host's perspective. Overall, podcasts can be made by almost anyone and cover almost any topic. If there is a subject matter that you're really passionate about and want to share more about, but you might be a tad camera shy, podcasting is a great way to start.

As mentioned earlier, one of the attractive things about starting a podcasting is that it has a low entry barrier to start. If you want to start a podcast all you need is; a phone, internet connection and most importantly an idea. There are a variety of tools and guides online that can help you navigate the set-up process, with a great one being Gary Vaynerchuk's "How to start a podcast" guide.

Gary Vaynerchuk's Guide, "How To Start a Podcast," provides a solid glimpse of what you can expect when starting a podcast.

Equipment aside, the thing that will drive your podcast is yourself and the idea that you wish to talk about. There is no blueprint on what works and what doesn't but instead focusing on telling a story will help you the most. For example, if you're passionate about basketball and want to start a podcast on the highlights of the week, that would be what drives people to listen and engage with your content. The hardest part of starting anything new is the first step.

As a student you might have a variety of interests outside of school and for some those interests are ones that you wish to talk about and share with others. If podcasting is something that peaks or now has piqued your interest, Douglas College just formed a club called "Douglas Podcasters" in which students can gather and share more about their podcasting journey. Regardless if you're still brainstorming on what to talk about or are a seasoned veteran, this club is a welcoming and safe space for all. Everyone has a story to tell and at Douglas College we want everyone's voice to be heard.

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